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Welcome to MotorCities National Heritage Area (MotorCities), where you can Experience Everything Automotive! We invite you to join us as we take a drive down memory lane, gaze into the future and share with you an amazing automotive journey.

Pull out a calendar, road map and pen, and let the fun begin! We invite you to browse the many wonderful automotive museums, homes and gardens, tours and sporting events located in MotorCities and plot your path through the heart of the American automotive industry. If you need help, we're ready to jump in! Whether your visit lasts a few hours or a few days, you are guaranteed an exciting variety of places to see and things to do.

With over 100 sites and experiences waiting to be explored, go ahead and choose your category of interest - and get ready to Experience Everything Automotive!




Thursday, 19 December 2019 17:25

Haven Hill Getaway

Edsel Ford had several relationships with leaders from around the world. He would invite them to his wooded hilltop refuge. From movie stars to famous…
Published in Locations
Thursday, 19 December 2019 17:29

Haven Hill Carriage House

The Carriage House was meant to host Ford's chauffeur and the family vehicles, but the chauffeur moved into the Lodge. The Carriage House became a…
Published in Locations
Thursday, 19 December 2019 17:34

Haven Hill Barn

This barn was built in the early 1930's but was partially blown down by high winds in 2008. It served as the center piece of…
Published in Locations
This country estate was built in 1927 by William E. Scripps. He was the heir to the Detroit News fortune and an early aviator, inventor,…
Published in Locations
Meadow Brook Farms is the original Oakland County land and farmhouse that John Dodge bought in 1908 as an expression of his remarkable success as…
Published in Locations
Thursday, 19 December 2019 18:14

Dodge Hall of Engineering

Oakland University was established in 1957 by Alfred and Matilda Dodge on the Meadow Brook Farms original property. Dodge Hall of Engineering was named after…
Published in Locations
Thursday, 19 December 2019 18:26

David Buick - Forgotten Inventor, Enduring Name

When David Buick died he was unknown by most in Detroit. He invented the valve-in-head automobile engine and created the Buick Motor Company. Money was…
Published in Locations
Louis Chevrolet grew up in Switzerland and France where he raced and repaired bicycles before finding a facination with automobiles made in America in 1900.…
Published in Locations
Thursday, 19 December 2019 19:16

Wayne County Bridge - Free Bridge

Gross Ile was only accessible from the mainland only by boats until this bridge was built around 1871. This bridge is often called the "Free…
Published in Locations
Sunday, 16 February 2020 21:34

Over The Grosse Ile Toll Bridge

Before the Toll Bridge opened in 1913, transportation to and from Grosse Ile occurred only by boat or by train across the Michigan Central rail…
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