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SWD AHG Title BR 7.5.22

1 WELCOME TITLE 10.16.20

A Tribute to the Legacy of the area's Automotive Entrepreneurs, Workers,
Businesses,and Unions 

Firms & Sites - Stories about key Southwest Detroit businesses and places are found here. For a chronological arc of the neighborhood’s auto legacy, follow the recommended viewing order.

Community History - The essays found here put into context the trends and topics highlighted in the Guide’s stories of individual firms and neighborhood sites.

Labor Roots - The emergence of the United Auto Workers union in the late 1930s, its achievements, and the challenges it confronted in the decades that followed are explored here.

We Auto Know More - Other firms we intend to highlight are listed here. Future plans include honouring the Southwest Detroit cultural communities who powered the auto industry as well as documenting the histories of Teamsters Local 299 and of Unit Steelworkers Local 1299.

Help Build the Guide - This section introduces you to those responsible for developing the Guide and outlines how you can help contribute to future Guide updates.