MotorCities National Heritage Area logo


Welcome to MotorCities National Heritage Area (MotorCities), where you can Experience Everything Automotive! We invite you to join us as we take a drive down memory lane, gaze into the future and share with you an amazing automotive journey.

Pull out a calendar, road map and pen, and let the fun begin! We invite you to browse the many wonderful automotive museums, homes and gardens, tours and sporting events located in MotorCities and plot your path through the heart of the American automotive industry. If you need help, we're ready to jump in! Whether your visit lasts a few hours or a few days, you are guaranteed an exciting variety of places to see and things to do.

With over 100 sites and experiences waiting to be explored, go ahead and choose your category of interest - and get ready to Experience Everything Automotive!




Until electrical refrigeration became common in the 1940s, food was best perserved during warmer months in "iceboxes" with ice blocks harvested from lakes during the…
Published in Locations
Train wrecks were a constant worry in Hamburg Township, though they were not common. Accidents jolted communites around the world as trains became common in…
Published in Locations
The Humpback Bridge used to be here, crossing the Grand Trunk Railway. The narrow wooden span was built in 1900 to carry vehicles on state…
Published in Locations
Interurban service became the most successful mode of transportation through Roseville in the early 1900s. Starting in 1895, the Rapid Railway Company ran electric interurbans…
Published in Locations
Tuesday, 06 April 2021 12:59

Driven to Win: Racing in America

Published in Events
Thursday, 08 September 2022 19:04

Autos for Autism

Published in Events
Monday, 01 May 2023 01:57

Motor City Origins Tour

Published in Events
Friday, 23 June 2023 12:33

Easy Rodders Car Show

Published in Events
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