MotorCities National Heritage Area logo
Christian Graf of Stabenows office Shawn and Sarah Capen in DC CROPPED AND RESIZED Feb 2023

From Left to Right: Christian Graf of Senator Debbie Stabenow's office, MotorCities Executive Director Shawn Pomaville-Size, and Sara Capen, Chair of the Alliance of National Heritage Areas (ANHA) celebrate the passage of the National Heritage Act in Washington D.C. in February 2023.


On January 5, 2023, President Biden signed the National Heritage Area Act (S.1942) into law. This action followed the December 22, 2022 passage of the legislation by the U.S. House of Representatives by a bi-partisan vote of 326-95, after the Senate passed the bill by unanimous consent two days earlier. It was one of the last bills passed in the 117th Congress.

The National Heritage Area Act was championed by Senators Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Roy Blunt (R-MO) in the Senate and Representatives Paul Tonko (D-NY) and David McKinley (R-WV) in the House. The bipartisan bills were co-sponsored by 16 Senators and 138 House members (through the House companion bill, H.R. 1316).

Senator Stabenow with ANHA Award February 2023 RESIZEDSenator Debbie Stabenow poses with an ANHA Award for championing the passage of the National Heritage Act.

The National Heritage Area Act creates a system through which the Department of Interior may furnish financial and technical assistance to National Heritage Areas. It sets forth standard criteria for the funding, management, and designation of National Heritage Areas across the country, including the MotorCities National Heritage Area here in Michigan, and provides them an annual authorization of up to $1 million per year for the next 15 years. S. 1942 solves a challenge that as many as 45 existing NHAs would have experienced in the next two years, when their authorizations were scheduled to sunset. S. 1942 also authorizes seven new National Heritage Areas.

“National Heritage Areas not only commemorate our nation’s history, but also create jobs and boost tourism for communities across the country,” said Senator Stabenow. “This law ensures that Michigan’s own MotorCities National Heritage Area can continue to preserve and share our rich automotive history for years to come.”

“Our National Heritage Area was slated to sunset on September 30, 2023,” said Shawn Pomaville-Size, executive director of MotorCities National Heritage Area, based in Detroit. “This legislation couldn’t be more timely to provide the stability that comes from knowing we have authorization until 2037.”

President Ronald Reagan established National Heritage Areas in 1984 when he signed a bill that created the Illinois and Michigan Canal National Heritage Area. Since then, 54 additional NHAs have been created across the United States, all through community-led efforts. Rather than an enclosed park as is typical of other programs administered by the National Park Service (NPS), NHAs are lived-in spaces that often span large geographic areas that cross multiple jurisdictions, including a total of 591 counties in 34 states.

Chuck Sams with NHA Leaders in DC February RESIZED 2023National Park Service Director Chuck Sams (center) celebrates the passage of the National Heritage Area in Washington D.C. in February 2023. From left to right: Miranda Miller of Representative Paul Tonko's Office; Annie Harris, Essex National Heritage Area; Christian Graf of Senator Debbie Stabenow's Office; MotorCities Executive Director Shawn Pomaville-Size; Sams; Sara Capen, Niagara Falls National Heritage Area; Sarah Watson, Abraham Lincoln National Heritage Area; Julie Chacon, Sangre de Cristo National Heritage Area; and Doug Harmon of the Alliance of National Heritage Areas (ANHA). 

MotorCities, which celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2023, is a nonprofit corporation affiliated with the NPS that serves 16 Michigan counties representing a population of over 6.5 million. Its mission is to preserve, interpret and promote the region’s rich automotive and labor heritage. Regional programs inspire residents and visitors with an appreciation for how the automobile changed Michigan, the nation, and the world.

In addition, MotorCities also generates $489.7 million each year in economic impact, supporting 5,343 jobs and producing $40 million in tax revenue in Michigan. Over its history, MotorCities has awarded more than 300 grants for a total investment in local programs of more than $1.6 million.

ANHA Feb 2023 Long Winding Road RESIZED

"The Alliance of National Heritage Areas has been working on this legislative effort for over ten years," Pomaville-Size added. "To say the passage of this bill is a major achievement is an understatement, and we are especially thankful to both Senator Stabenow and Congresswoman Debbie Dingell on the House side for introducing legislation and remaining steadfast until their efforts became a reality."

“The passing of this bill means everything to the MotorCities staff and board of directors,” said Mark Heppner, CEO of Ford House in Grosse Pointe Shores and Chair of the MotorCities board. “It allows us to focus on the mission and the good work of the organization and not worry about whether we will be around in 5-10 years.  This commitment permits us to focus on the future, not the present. I am personally grateful for the signing of this bill into law and for the support of our elected officials, who have clearly demonstrated they value our collective automotive and labor heritage and that it matters.”

National Park Service Director Visits Detroit (April 2022)

Shawn with NPS Director Charles Sams at Piquette 4 19 2022 CROPPED and RESIZED
As part of the observance of National Park Week, recently appointed National Park Service Director Charles Sams (pictured above with MotorCities Executive Director Shawn Pomaville-Size) visited Detroit on April 19, 2022 to announce a new first-of-its-kind partnership with the State of Michigan to collaborate on implementing safe, innovative technology to increase accessibility and equity in recreational and park settings. The announcement press conference was hosted by the Ford Piquette Avenue Plant.
Through this partnership, the five national parks located in Michigan will provide an environment to pilot these emerging mobility technologies that will help make national parks across the country safer, more equitable and accessible to residents and visitors alike. The partnership is part of a cross-departmental collaboration within the state of Michigan – including the Michigan Outdoor Recreation Industry Office, part of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the Department of Transportation (MDOT), the Department of Labor and Economic Development (LEO), and the Office of Future Mobility and Electrification.
DIA Diego Rivera mural with members of the Hispanic Access Foundation CROPPED
In addition to the press conference and tour of the Ford Piquette facility, Sams also visited the Gateway to Freedom Underground Railroad monument at Hart Plaza, the Transcending Michigan Labor Legacy monument downtown, and the Diego Rivera Murals at the Detroit Institute of Arts (above).
Finally, he had a brief conversation with Pomaville-Size about his impressions of Detroit and the importance of MotorCities and the work of all our country's National Heritage Areas. To view the interview, click here, and to see a complete photo album of Sams' day in Detroit, click here.

Making Tracks chronicles the experience of African-Americans in the auto industry. As you explore the stories and support materials, please take time to reflect on the significant contributions over the last century of auto heritage. The individual profiles will highlight stories of ingenuity, creativity, leadership, and perseverance. Utilize the timeline and additional support materials as tools to gain more context about the time in which these events occurred and how they align with the national landscape.


MotorCities Challenge Grants Button

MotorCities Mini Grants Button

MotorCities Programs Button

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Detroit Historical Society
Lincoln Motor Car Company / Ford Local 600 Women’s Auxiliary Workshop

Detroit Public Library, National Automotive History Collection
DeSoto Plant

Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University
Michigan Central Station Passengers / GM Cadillac Sit Down Strike Pickets


Formerly known as MotorCities At Home, we continue our series of programs featuring discussions of interesting automotive history topics. 

We're Back! Join us Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 2 p.m. for an IN-PERSON program at the Michigan Military Technical & Historical Society in Eastpointe!

Michigan Military Technical & Historical Society

This museum is dedicated to preserving the stories of Michigan citizens who served and sacrificed, here and abroad, from World War I to the present. The 11,000 square foot museum exhibits the actual equipment, vehicles, weapons, uniforms and other artifacts from American conflicts. The program starts at 2 p.m. 
Tickets are $3 and include admission to the museum, a presentation on the museum's history and collections by Chris Causley, and a tour. Reserve your spot by clicking here.

Check out our past programs on YouTube at the links below. 

Past sessions:

"Mascots of Motion" with Steve Purdy
Friday, May 15, 2020 at 12 p.m. EDT
This presentation featured classic and collector car hood ornaments.
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube!
MotorCities At Home Steve Purdy RESIZED

"Billy Durant, Founder of General Motors" by Russ Dore
Friday, May 22, 2020 at 12 p.m. EDT
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube!
MotorCities At Home May 22 RESIZED
"Cool Cars: Unique Automobiles of the Detroit Historical Society Collection" by Jeremy Dimick
Friday, May 29, 2020 at 12 p.m. EDT
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.
MotorCities At Home May 29 RESIZED

"R.E. Olds & the First Auto City" with Michael Rodriguez
Friday, June 5, 2020 at 12 p.m. EDT
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.MotorCities At Home Word June 5 RESIZED
"Ford Motor Company & the Arsenal of Democracy" with Robert Kreipke
Thursday, July 9, 2020 at 12 p.m. EDT
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.
MotorCities At Home Word from Our Sponsor July 9

"Rosie the Riveter" with Alison Beatty
Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 12 p.m. EDT
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.
MotorCities At Home Word from Our Sponsor July 16

Southwest Detroit Auto Heritage Guide Panel
Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 12 p.m. EDT
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.

Timken Detroit Axle Company 1919 cropped RESIZED

"Famous Firsts: The History of the Packard Proving Grounds"
Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 12 p.m. EDT
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.
MotorCities At Home Roger Luksik August 27

"Ford's Incredible Letter Cars"
Wednesday, September 30 at 12 p.m. EDT
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.

MotorCities At Home September 23 RESIZED

"The Gilmore Car Museum: Miles from the Ordinary"
Wednesday, September 30 at 12 p.m. EDT
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.
MotorCities At Home September 30 RESIZED

"The Fort Street Bridge Interpretive Park: The What and The Why"
Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 12 p.m. EST
Click to watch this panel discussion on YouTube.
Fort Street Bridge Park entry wall

"A History of Diversity at Ford Motor Company"
Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 12 p.m.
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.
MotorCities At Home February 24 2021 RESIZED

"Power Under Her Foot: Women Enthusiasts of American Muscle Cars"
Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at 12 p.m.
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.

MotorCities At Home Word from Our Sponsor March 24 2021

"A New Beginning at Ford House"
Wednesday, April 28, 2021 at 12 p.m.
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.

MotorCities At Home A Word from Our Sponsor April 28 2021

"A Stroll Through Stahl's Automotive Collection"
Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 12 p.m.
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.

MotorCities At Home A Word from Our Sponsor June 23 2021 RESIZED

"The Michigan Firehouse Museum is Back"
Wednesday, August 25, 2021 at 12 p.m.
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.
MotorCities At Home A Word from Our Sponsor August 25 2021
"The Dodge Brothers: The Men Behind the Myth"
Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 12 p.m.
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube. 
MotorCities At Home A Word from Our Sponsor October 27 2021

"Meet the Team Behind Making Tracks"
Wednesday, February 23, 2022 at 12 p.m.
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube. 

Making Tracks Mast Head 900 pixel width updated Feb 2011

"The Importance of Role Models for Women in the Auto Industry" Panel
Wednesday, March 23, 2022 at 12 p.m. 
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube. 
March 2022 MCAH panel horizontal photos

"Detroit's Industrial Architect: Albert Kahn" with John Gallagher
Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 12 p.m.

Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.  
MotorCities At Home May 25 2022

"Sloan Museum of Discovery: An Exclusive Sneak Preview" with Todd Slisher
Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 12 p.m.
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.

MotorCities At Home A Word from Our Sponsor June 22 2022

"Pontiac's Transportation Legacy" with Terry Connolly
Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 12 p.m.
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.
MotorCities On The Road A Word from Our Sponsor October 26 2022

"Walter Chrysler: His Company and His Life" with Russ Dore
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 12 p.m.
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.

MotorCities On The Road A Word from Our Sponsor November 16 2022

 "Achievement: African Americans' Accomplishments and Contributions in Automotive" with Sarah Cook
Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 12 p.m.
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.

MotorCities On The Road A Word from Our Sponsor February 22 2023

"Women in Automotive Design" with Carolyn Peters
Wednesday, March 22, 2023 at 12 p.m.
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube.

MotorCities On The Road A Word from Our Sponsor March 22 2023

"Disability Inclusion in the Automotive Industry" Panel Discussion at Services To Enhance Potential
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 12 p.m.
Click to watch this presentation on YouTube. 

Panel photo May 2023