Greg Aarssen
Robert Andersen
Bruce Annett
Larry Baker
Robert Barr
Michael Bauman
John Beck
Robert Benko
Sabin Blake
Mallory Bower
Terry Boyce
Todd Bryan
Paul Bumpus
Robert Burtch
Stephen Burton
Harriet Carter
Chris Causley
Robert Causley
Judith Christie
Jaclyn Clark
Ed Clemente
John Clor
Paul Corbett
Chuck Dalton
Michael Darga
John Dau
Robert Degenhart
Jaqueline Dick
Rich Dobson
Russell Dore
Larry Doyle
Paul Draus
Jim Dyar
Kenneth Ehrenhofer
David Elsila
Sandra Engle
George Etheridge
Reynolds Farley
Lila Fedokovitz
Russell Ferguson
Frederick Flock
Gerard Franchina
Robert Frey
James Fry
Lloyd Ganton
John Gilbert
Peter Glendinning
Donald Graham
Ron Grantz
Dean Greb
Trey Greene
Joel Grgurich
Elayne Gross
Gerald Haller
Patricia Hallman
Deborah Hartwick
Margaret Hehr
Charlie Henry
Mark Heppner
Fred Hoffman
Sue Huggett
Daniel Hughes
Wayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnston
Bill Jones
Cynthia Jones
Bob Kellum
Larry & Eleanor Kelsch
Richard Kinsey
Kevin Kirbitz
Jean Knowles
Robert Kreipke
Richard Krueger
William Krueger
Lori Lanspeary
William Lawson
Wade Leonard
Barry Levey
Christine Lezotte
George Linker
Roger & Joan Luksik
Ronald Marklin
David Marold
Michael Mazor
Kevin McCabe
Anne Michelis
David Miller
Stephen Misterovich
Tom Mitchell
Thomas Mudd
Thomas Mullin
Mark Mundorff
Peter Murdoch
Bruce Nelson
Nick Nerbonne
Don Nicholson
Bill Nickels
Anne Partington
David & Rebecca Pettengill
David Pierce
Julie Pingston
Christopher Pokorski
Shawn Pomaville-Size
Ken Poynter
John Pregler
Jerry Preston
Steve Purdy
Richard Ray
Brian Raymond
Charles Reavis
William Romanski
Joseph Ross
Richard Russell
James Saliba
Marjorie Sawruk
Sharon Scott
Jack Seavitt
Irene Shelley
Randy Shelton
Steve Shotwell
Michael Skinner
Allan Skoropa
Harvey Snitzer
Greg Stoner
John Summerville
Amber Taylor
Tammy Taylor
Randy Thayer
Mark Thomas
Nick Thomas
Nancy Thompson
Robyn Tonkin
Christopher Topham
Bob Tripolsky
John Tucker
Richard Tweedle
Roberta Vasilow
Douglas Wallace
Charles Watson
Ed Weichsler
Christopher Welborn
Thomas Winkes
Geneva Wiskemann
David & Mary Wood
Jill Woodward
Kenneth Yopp
Carol Zagorowska
Nelson Zuchetto
MotorCities is partnering with five Detroit-area tour operators to offer public tours related to the automotive or labor heritage of Michigan.
Tour experiences available vary from walking or riding in a bus to pedaling a bicycle – all while visiting key automotive historical sites and learning the story of how the region put the world on wheels.
We are proud to offer the following experiences:
Detroit Historical Society
Lincoln Motor Car Company / Ford Local 600 Women’s Auxiliary Workshop
Detroit Public Library, National Automotive History Collection
DeSoto Plant
Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University
Michigan Central Station Passengers / GM Cadillac Sit Down Strike Pickets
Map Test