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Welcome to MotorCities National Heritage Area (MotorCities), where you can Experience Everything Automotive! We invite you to join us as we take a drive down memory lane, gaze into the future and share with you an amazing automotive journey.

Pull out a calendar, road map and pen, and let the fun begin! We invite you to browse the many wonderful automotive museums, homes and gardens, tours and sporting events located in MotorCities and plot your path through the heart of the American automotive industry. If you need help, we're ready to jump in! Whether your visit lasts a few hours or a few days, you are guaranteed an exciting variety of places to see and things to do.

With over 100 sites and experiences waiting to be explored, go ahead and choose your category of interest - and get ready to Experience Everything Automotive!




Monday, 02 July 2018 14:52

Wyoming Avenue

Wyoming Avenue has a vivid industrial history. Brick-making flourished in the 1800s as companies like Clippert, Haggerty, and Mercier took advantage of the area's rich…
Published in Locations
Monday, 02 July 2018 14:54

Home on Kearsley Street

During the early decades of the 20th Century, Kearsley Street had several country estates built on the street's east end. The street was lined with…
Published in Locations
Monday, 02 July 2018 15:08

Fun and Games: GM and City Life

As Flint started to become a hot spot for the state, more and more community events grew with General Motors' sponsorship of the events. Events…
Published in Locations
Monday, 02 July 2018 15:12

Flint Automobile Company

A.B.C. Hardy was a man determined to steer Flint's carriage makers to turn to automobile production after vacationing in Europe and noticing the advancment of…
Published in Locations
This beautifully restored firehouse at the corner of Cross and Huron streets in Ypsilanti features a number of antique fire trucks and memorabilia. This unique…
Published in Locations
Monday, 02 July 2018 15:55

Hudson & Friends

Carl Miller famously sold Hudson cars here for 25 years up until 1958, as the last Hudson dealership in the world.
Published in Locations
Monday, 02 July 2018 15:57

Preston Tucker

The Ypsilanti-based automaker tried to capture the post-WWII auto market with his “car of tomorrow,” the Tucker 48. Legal troubles, however, put an early end…
Published in Locations
Monday, 02 July 2018 16:13

Bomber Restaurant

Breakfast food and history come together in this Ypsilanti restaurant, which got its name from the nearby B-24 bomber plant during World War II.
Published in Locations
Monday, 02 July 2018 16:16

Haab's Restaurant

This local eatery will always treat you to a “welcome” at the door. For over 140 years, Haab’s has served Michigan Ave in Ypsilanti.
Published in Locations
Monday, 02 July 2018 16:29

Westside Neighborhood

When the auto industry started booming in cities, so did the population in the surrounding areas. The Espanore and Westmoreland subdivisions targeted professionals and managers…
Published in Locations
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