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Welcome to MotorCities National Heritage Area (MotorCities), where you can Experience Everything Automotive! We invite you to join us as we take a drive down memory lane, gaze into the future and share with you an amazing automotive journey.

Pull out a calendar, road map and pen, and let the fun begin! We invite you to browse the many wonderful automotive museums, homes and gardens, tours and sporting events located in MotorCities and plot your path through the heart of the American automotive industry. If you need help, we're ready to jump in! Whether your visit lasts a few hours or a few days, you are guaranteed an exciting variety of places to see and things to do.

With over 100 sites and experiences waiting to be explored, go ahead and choose your category of interest - and get ready to Experience Everything Automotive!




The federal goverment called on Ford's producer, Charles Sorenson, to produce the B-24 "Liberator" bombers before the U.S. even entered World War II. Willow Run…
Published in Locations
Friday, 27 September 2019 15:06

Shipbuilding Traditions Along The Rouge River

Early 1700s French settlers decided to establish a shipyard on the Rouge River at Baby Creek. Later on in history, Ford built anti-submarine patrol boats…
Published in Locations
Friday, 27 September 2019 15:11

Nankin Mills - The Power of Water

When Henry Ford was young, he visited Nankin Mills and was amazed by the use of water power. When he grew older Ford decided to…
Published in Locations
Friday, 27 September 2019 15:15

Nankin Millers House

This home was not far from Nankin Mills that families who owned and operated the mill had a short walk to work. The milling families…
Published in Locations
This rural schoolhouse provided children in the area to "learn by doing" from 1937 to 1946. This schoolhouse was a part of Ford's Edison Institue…
Published in Locations
Friday, 27 September 2019 15:43

Newburgh Mill

Newburgh Mill used hydroelectric power to produce drills for Ford plants around the world. During World War II, local farmers who worked at the mill…
Published in Locations
Friday, 27 September 2019 15:47

Wayne Companies Serving The Nation

During 1888, Prouty & Glass begain to build carriages and sleighs but unfortunatly could not survive the automobile industry with the invention of the automobile…
Published in Locations
Friday, 27 September 2019 15:56

Phoenix Mill

Bought by Henry Ford in 1919 and then rebuilt by Albert Kahn by 1921, the Pheonix Mill opened for production the following year in 1922.…
Published in Locations
Friday, 27 September 2019 15:58

Wilcox (Plymouth) Mill

Starting in 1820, this mill ground food grains for a centurty with the power of the Rouge River. By 1920, Henry Ford had his eye…
Published in Locations
Friday, 27 September 2019 16:13

Alter Motor Company

In Plymouth the Alter Motor Company was founded in 1914. The car that was produced at the company was designed by Clarence Alter, a 19-year-old…
Published in Locations
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