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Welcome to MotorCities National Heritage Area (MotorCities), where you can Experience Everything Automotive! We invite you to join us as we take a drive down memory lane, gaze into the future and share with you an amazing automotive journey.

Pull out a calendar, road map and pen, and let the fun begin! We invite you to browse the many wonderful automotive museums, homes and gardens, tours and sporting events located in MotorCities and plot your path through the heart of the American automotive industry. If you need help, we're ready to jump in! Whether your visit lasts a few hours or a few days, you are guaranteed an exciting variety of places to see and things to do.

With over 100 sites and experiences waiting to be explored, go ahead and choose your category of interest - and get ready to Experience Everything Automotive!




Friday, 04 October 2019 15:24

Historic Flint Sit-Down Strike

To improve working conditions, on December 30, 1936, workers at the Chevrolet and Fisher Body plants sat down on assembly lines. Workers at the plants…
Published in Locations
Friday, 04 October 2019 15:30

Women's Emergency Brigade

While the auto workers were on strike, the women did not stay in the shadows. Genora Johnson, a 23-year old wife of a strike leader…
Published in Locations
Friday, 04 October 2019 15:48

Women Join the War Production Workforce

As World War II was underway, there was a lack of male workers in the industry due to being sent off to war. The massive…
Published in Locations
Friday, 04 October 2019 15:52

Josiah Dallas Dort

As a founder of the Durant- Dort Carriage Company and later a president of Dort Motor Car Company, Josiah Dallas Dort was heavily involved with…
Published in Locations
During Charles Stewart Mott's 60 years of service on the GM board of directors, he established the Mott Foundation in 1926. This foundation was created…
Published in Locations
Friday, 04 October 2019 16:08

Flint's College and Cultural Center

The Flint College and Cultural Center was established in the 1950s and includes Mott Community College, University of Michigan - Flint, a planetarium, two museums,…
Published in Locations
Friday, 04 October 2019 16:13

Creating an All-American City

With the city's close relationship with General Motors, Flint was one of the most thriving cities in the United States. The community took a hit…
Published in Locations
Friday, 04 October 2019 16:23

C.S. Mott and the Weston Mott Company

Charles Stewart Mott's business called Weston-Mott Company, was located in New York and originally manufactured bicycle wheels but had switched to automobile wheels and axles.…
Published in Locations
Charles Kettering was the man who invented the automobile electric starter and lighting system that revolutionized the auto industry. He combined his electrical engineering education…
Published in Locations
On November 29, 2003 hundreds of citizens watched the lighting of the new Vehicle City arches along Saginaw Street. The arches are replicas of those…
Published in Locations
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