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August 18, 2020

DETROIT – Since many are still staying and working at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19, MotorCities is continuing its popular series of virtual programs featuring members of our Speakers Bureau and others discussing interesting automotive and labor history topics. Each MotorCities At Home program is FREE and presented live via Zoom.


The series resumes Thursday, August 27 at 12 p.m. EDT with "Famous Firsts: The History of the Packard Proving Grounds" with Roger Luksik, vice president of the Packard Motor Car Foundation.


The Packard Proving Grounds in Macomb County’s Shelby Township are listed on the National Registry of Historic Places for a reason – world records were accomplished there.  Using both vintage and current images, Luksik will explain the history of the proving grounds from opening day in June 1928 until its closing in 1956 and what the Packard Motor Car Foundation is doing to preserve its legacy for future generations. 


Roger Luksik joined the Packard Motor Car Foundation board in 2013 as president and held that position through 2018.  He began volunteering at the Packard Proving Grounds in 2001 and today is vice president and Committee Chair for Finance, Grant Writing and Accreditations.  He is a life member of the Packard Automobile Club and a 25+ year member of the Classic Car Club of America. Roger earned a B.S. and MBA - Finance degree from Wayne State University.  He owns two 1941 Packards, one a convertible sedan and a business coupe.


To get more information about the entire series of "MotorCities At Home" presentations and to register for each Zoom event, click