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Packard Proving Grounds

From 1928 to 1956, the Packard Motor Car Company tested and developed new vehicles at the Proving Grounds. Architect Albert Kahn designed the Lodge and other buildings. During World War II Chrysler tested tanks and tracked vehicles here. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, this historic site is being restored by a volunteer organization, the Packard Motor Car Foundation. Tours by appointment.

Phone: (586) 739-4800
Take a step back to the heyday of the Packard Motor Car Co. in its famed Albert Kahn-designed Proving Grounds complex which still stands on Van Dyke Avenue in Shelby Township. From the historical preservation of the original test track, the timing stand, the Charles Lindbergh Hangar and more, the site creates a mystical sense of nostalgia for the golden age of the automobile and the power that was Packard. Take a step back to the heyday of the Packard Motor Car Co. in its famed Albert Kahn-designed Proving Grounds complex which still stands on Van Dyke Avenue in Shelby Township. From the historical preservation of the original test track, the timing stand, the Charles Lindbergh Hangar and more, the site creates a mystical sense of nostalgia for the golden age of the automobile and the power that was Packard.

49965 Van Dyke
Shelby Township, MI 48317

by appointment
